How sheepCRM helps BGCI engage with its members in the digital age.

Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) is a global network of Botanic Gardens. Its mission is to conserve plants and support Botanic Gardens to benefit people on the planet. There are two parts to the charity, one part membership and one part plant conservation. They have approx 750 organisational members. They support their members to achieve their goals of conserving plants across the world.

They were using a CRM platform which wasn’t tailored for membership organisations. It was outdated and didn’t provide them any opportunities to engage with and add value to their members.

By moving to sheepCRM they have transformed the way they communicate with their members allowing them to keep current members onboard in a truly digital and agile way.

I felt confident that sheepCRM could provide membership software that was going to be helpful for BGCI and necessary for us to achieve our goals, and that has proven the case
— Patricia Malcolm, Membership and Conservation Services Manager

How to save time with membership renewal automation


Harnessing the power of integrations